New State Spotlights: Texas and Georgia
We are pleased to start sharing state spotlights with the network. One of the values of membership in the SELN is easy access to see what other states are doing to move employment forward. State spotlights is one strategy to connect you all with the great work of your peers as well as a way for you to celebrate your state's accomplishments. We hope these will give you some ideas of how to move employment forward in your state and help you take a few minutes to celebrate your wins. If you are interested in sharing a spotlight, please reach out to Jen Bose at
Georgia's state spotlight discusses how they used data to recognize a gap in their system, then spent time with workgroups to find solutions. Workgroups included all players in the service system and SELN staff supported in facilitation.Go to the Georgia State Spotlight to learn more!
Texas's state spotlight discusses the development of their Employment Services Virtual Conference to improve cross-agency service coordination as the first of many collaboration initiatives to support employment for people with disabilities.
Go to the Texas State Spotlight to learn more!